Activities are such an important tool in a child’s life and aids their development for the future. During the child’s time at the ODN our children are encouraged to participate in a wide variety of activities, that involve using their 5 senses and more! The activities may include:
- Malleable materials
- Hand/feet/body painting
- Planting/grow and eat project
- Cooking with the chef- to name but a few!
More activities will be implemented going forward and based on the children’s interests and needs.
We recognise the importance of the role of the Early Years practitioner in setting the foundations for learning. Our activities are planned on the principles guided by the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
The EYFS framework also incorporates seven broad areas of learning, which are:
- Personal, Social, and Emotional Development
• Communication and Language development
• Literacy skills
• Mathematical Development
• Understanding the World
• Physical Development
• Expressive arts and design
Extracurricular activities
- Teddy Tennis
- Theatre bugs (music, dramas and movement)
- Sports classes
- Little cooks’ classes
- French lessons (TBC)
- Baby Yoga
- Swimming for the preschool (TBC)